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Karma at Work in Our Lives


"The son suffers the sins of the father to the fourth generation"

After President Abraham Lincoln, an Incarnation of the Archangel Michael, issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, announcing, "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious areas "are, and henceforth shall be free," and after the Thirteenth Amendment was passed on January 31, 1865, the karma of white slave owners was visited upon them for the next four generations as they incarnated into black communities whereby they suffered injustices proportionately to the brutality they inflicted upon their own slaves during the first century of the colonies.

And then, weeks before his death, Lincoln prophesied that women would one day obtain the right to vote and even to ascend to the Highest Office in the land, and told his wife of his hope that it would come to pass before the 250th anniversary of the Continental Congress's approval of the Declaration of Independence, by July 4, 2026.

Today, in this the fifth generation since these historic events took place, descendants of liberated slaves are incarnating once again as black citizens who are rising to the highest political offices in the land. The first such black person to be elected to the office of the Presidency of the United States in 2008 was Barack Obama, and today, the world saw the first Black woman, Kamala Harris, elected as the first woman Vice-President of the United States, and nominated by the Democratic Party to run for the Presidency of the United States. It was not to be this time, but the precedent was established.

On Wisdom

The greater souls in the flesh today have Wisdom beyond any we have thought of as genius in the past. There are more and more young people being born with mental capacities far beyond that of their parents. Alert minds of younger people of the new generation, together with their increased extrasensory perceptions, will be blessed with more advanced ideas to satisfy their yearning souls. This New Age follows the Atomic Age and is called “the mental Age” by some who understand how much the acceleration of the mind can accomplish because of the higher brain vibrations, faster living, and new discoveries which are uncovered as time goes on.

Rising From The Dead


The wild stories about the dead of long Ages past all “rising” from their tombs as promised by many Christian factions, puts them in the category of other paganized religions whose teachings are just as ridiculous. Just how such ideas originated may be speculated upon from various angles, but we believe they began with an effort to promise converts what they wanted to hear, however far-fetched such things could be. The only promise “I DO” can make on resurrection is based upon much research, reasoning and the understanding that “rising from the dead” or “rising to meet HIM” means something very different from the interpretations usually given by “the blind who lead the blind.” From our “I DO” research, where applied to resurrection, the idea of “rising” was reincarnation, while that of “rising to meet HIM” was not floating off in the skies, but ascending to a spiritual consciousness which could amount to “touching the hem” of His garment of higher understandings, finally awakening to “Truth to make free.”


On Reincarnation

It is easy to see that the Disciples and Jesus spoke about Reincarnation...

In Matthew XIV:13-16; XVII:10-13, Jesus asked his people, saying, “Who do men say the Son of Man is?” And they said: “Some say John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the Prophets.” He says to them: “But who do you say that I am?” And Simon Peter, answering, said: “Thou art the Anointed, the Son of the Living God!” And his followers put a question to him, saying: “Why, then, do the Recorders say, ‘Elijah must come first’?” Now, Jesus answered and said to them: “Elijah indeed comes first, and will restore all things. Now, I say to you, Elijah has come already, and they did not recognize him, but have done him as many injuries as they could. Thus also the Son of the Man is destined to suffer by them.” Then his disciples understood that he said this to them about John the Baptist.

How to achieve Peace on Earth


Humanity must first play its part in establishing True Justice in the World and to stand on Principle and Truth.

The Tenth Principle of the I DO Pledge states that "Until Mercy is graced with the Wisdom of Doing in His Name and injustices are chastened with Love, we will strive for man's understanding of Cosmic Laws governing from Above."

To help achieve "Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Men", it befalls to We the People to first ensure that JUSTICE becomes a reality here on Earth by adopting a Fair and Equitable Justice System by passing Laws based on Equal Justice under Just Laws. The process involves bringing Hope and Joy into our Politics and Governance of the We the People leading to a better life for All. Cosmic Laws began taking effect on D Day. The scene is being set for World Peace and soon All Eyes will be SEEING The Child" - “For unto us a Child is born, onto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulders; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Quotes From News Letters and Booklets

13 Pearls

Thirteen Pearls of Wisdom

1. Too many times “created equal” has been interpreted as “born equal.” While God originally “created all men equal,” each was reincarnated time and again with the karmas (good or bad rewards) earned in previous lives, sometimes suffering “to the third and fourth generations” (births) “of them that hate Me” (Bible). In the earthly School of lives the soul learns by experience not to side-step righteousness. Mortals call the form of memory “conscience” as it is screened through the veils between lives.

- Quote from News Letters -

2. Michael on higher planes is the manifest of a still more spiritual Being who grants the right He earned to serve as One with God. Michael is the greatest transformer for Power identified with the Earth as related to Cosmic controls. The trouble with trying to explain the relationship of Michael, “The Leader of the Hosts of Heaven” with a still more spiritual consciousness called “God,” is that one runs from material concepts to spiritual identity with the all-inclusive Intelligence, incorporating within Divine Mind all that is of Infinite concept and Cosmic Consciousness. One leaves off the material and tangible and enters the realms of thought where formlessness transcends vibration and dimension, beyond facts mortal minds are capable of grasping.


- Quote from News Letters -

3. Raising the consciousness in prayer and right living is the only way to experience the mental concepts of the heaven worlds.

- Quote from the Booklet "Reincarnation Presents the Christ Again" -

4. Those who SEE on highest planes see with the mind and do not live long after*, because to rise to SEE is the process of making the ascension where Cosmic Consciousness is fully attained. Some having such an experience at the time of passing this plane described it as a body of light so bright they could hardly look upon it. Because it is hard for the mind of man to understand the formlessness of God, the mind sees the light in form because form is in his mind.

- Quote from News Letters -

5. Because the reincarnate Mother could not find enough help and understanding to protect HIM, THE CHILD of this Age has to be “caught up” for HIS protection. However fantastic this story might seem, it will be found to be the Truth if you will investigate enough. The Mother’s face changed to show the Akashic records of past incarnations when she helped mankind before, and The Child “appeared” with her to further prove her identity. HE changed from a very young child to a young boy and then to a man with a beard all recognized as Christ.

- Quote from News Letters -

6. Reincarnation is God’s plan for progressing souls by many earth lives until they have developed qualities sufficient for graduation to heaven worlds of more progressive situations.

- Quote from News Letters -

7. God made Cosmic Laws to control the world when it was created. These Laws are based on Cosmic Principle, the karmic results of which rewards good experiences for righteous doing, or on the other hand, suffering for mistakes until they are corrected. Divine Laws governing the universe will never change, but since D Day began, thinking is being rearranged to conform with those laws, finding real peace thereby. Cosmic law is in effect and humanity is now poised to understand the principles of soul evolution.

- Quote from the Booklet "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" -

8. Mankind is fast moving toward the Great Change of “A New Heaven and New Earth and the former things passed away” promised in the Scriptures, and to begin such understandings, the world has to start with thinking of mortals as souls instead of personalities.

- Quote from News Letters -

9. "Planets are planned into growth and are never turned loose to grow. As We guide, direct and lead a soul to its perfect manifestation of joy he reaches goals unexplored, so it is concerning a planet which is as if a personality capsule magnified to a goodly size and directed in its track."


- Quote from the Booklet "Truths Recorded From Higher Planes" -

10. The Great Cosmic change Wise Men have long expected in this Age and few are ready for, “is arriving as a thief in the night” of the world’s misunderstandings.


- Quote from the Booklet "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" -

11. MANY “ARE HIS WONDERS TO PERFORM” in this New Age which is destined to be the most progressive of any ever known before. Already we have the beginning of wonders which will take the world a thousand years to receive in the fullness of God-given Blessings.

- Quote from News Letters -

12. Right thinking and desire is in itself prayer which automatically draws response from the Cosmos from whence comes power to do anything good.


- Quote from the Booklet "How Thinking Determines Protection in This Atomic Age" -

13. Heavenly experiences in dimensions above this one are but a mental condition of the thinker whose peaceful mind becomes his experience. All those of the same level of thinking flock together in a heavenly consciousness they have created for themselves.


- Quote from the Booklet "How Thinking Determines Protection in This Atomic Age" -

With All Thy Getting, Get Understanding!!!

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