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lion and lamb

"And the Lion shall lie down with the Lamb"

There were many symbols used at various times through the Ages to represent both the Positive Faction and the Negative Faction; and to be among the Wise Men of any Age deep study was needed.

In this New Age, the study of symbolism is imperative if one is to be able to evaluate “messages” from other planes of consciousness. As the veils between dimensions are getting thinner and more souls are reincarnating with extrasensory talents, it becomes imperative that something concrete is done to school Humanity in meanings of symbolism, how they were used, and what purposes they served. Most important is the capacity to be able to recognize which symbols belong to the Positive Faction in the New Age and which belonged to the Negative Faction in the past. The latter are aligned to be phased out of this world. If a personality is only exposed to positive symbolism he is hardly able to recognize the negative type as they are being phased out. Likewise the other way around, so it becomes evident that much information is needed now that the New Age is upon us.

Positive Symbols in alphabetical order identifying Michael and Gabriel, and the Positive Faction: 

Negative Symbols in alphabetical order identifying Lucifer and the Negative Faction:

Alligator, Angel, Ankh, Auras (the light kind), Book (in the right hand), Bread Loaf, Buddha (Sitting Buddha), Bull, Calf, Circle, Cross (pointing downward), Deer, Diamond, Dog (Anubis), White Dove, Eagle (symbolizing Dreams about Flying), Elephant, Emeralds, Evergreen, Eye (in the Masonic Triangle), Feather, Fish, Fleur de Lys, Goat, Goddess (of Liberty), Goddess (of Freedom), Halo (of Light), Heart, Horse (The White kind), Ivy Leaf, Keys, Lamb and Lion, Lion (the Young Lion), Lotus Flower, Mercury (the Golden Boy atop the Manitoba Parliament), Pyramid, Rainbow, Ram, Rose (Red Rose), Rod and Staff, Scales (of Justice), Scroll (in the right hand), Sheep, Sphinx, Staff (in the right hand), Stars (Morning Star and Evening Star), Sun (Rising Sun and Setting Sun), Sword (Two-Edged Sword), Turtle, Venus, Water (symbolizing  Truth), Whale, Wheat, and Wings (symbolizing the Angel of Light). Two thirds of the Zodiac signs (of the Positive kind): Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.

Anvil, arm and hammer, asp and adder, axe (the curved kind), auras (the dark kind), bat wings, bell bearing crescents or horns, black panther, book (in the left hand), breasts-a-many, Buddha (the fat bellied Buddha), cat (black cat), chains, coral (red sea coral), cow, cowbell, crab, cross (pointing upwards), crocodile, cut tree (with severed branches), cycle, ebony, holocaust (destructive fire), horse (pale horse), grim reaper, horns, horseshoe, jade, knife (crescent knife), lioness, locust, moon (crescent moon), Neptune, ouija board, owl, pestilence, rose (red rose), star (red star), scarab (beetle), séances (with red lights), scroll (in the left hand), sea, skull and cross-bones, sphinx (female sphinx), sword (curved sword), tiger, trident, vice, and wolf. One third of the Zodiac signs (of the negative kind): Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio.

The negative faction can also be identified by the synonymatic relationships in the words mortals, mort, Gomorrah, Moroni, Mozart, morphine, etc. with Morya. The dark side can be spotted because of the trickery, hypnotism, mesmerism and various forms of mental-malpractices that allowed for the possession of the mind by other spirits. Various forms of Black Magic include the forcings of the senses and vital centers of the body through the use of mantras, dope, incense and alcohol responsible for the astral experiences of many today who are writing these for facts at this level of consciousness.

Positive symbols are illustrated below, in alphabetical order to link the images with the names above.

animated ankh
eye triangle
statue liberty
Statue of Freedom.webp
ivy leaf
lion cub
red rose
rod & staff
flashing star
winged victory

Question: What are the most commonly used symbolisms and what do they mean?

Answer: Yours is a simple question giving a big order. First we must explain that “the most commonly used symbols” differ in one Age and people, from those most common to others. But speaking for our New Age we believe perhaps the ANKH is the most common symbol used by both factions, with neither really knowing the true significance. Perhaps some realize that it was known to the Ancients as “the key to the mysteries.” Thoth always carried the Ankh because his soul was known as the “protector or keeper of the Father’s records.” Jesus called The King of Kings “ (The Michael-Soul) ”The Father” and at one time spoke of both “The Keeper” and ”The Father” as “The Fathers” because Michael and Gabriel worked together as one, even in one body at times. King Tut was an example of such a situation. The arrangement of symbolism on the mummy of King Tut showed that Wise Men of that Age recognized that fact. Thoth was the Gabriel soul in manifestation at that time. Another manifestation was Virgin Mary who also carried the KEY. Whether those who wear the Ankh symbol know it or not, that symbol represents “The Child” or “KEY” to all the mysteries of God, whose Son “The Key” always unlocked by giving new teachings to progress the world in each Age.

About other symbols: The Feather was used as a symbol of the TRUTH, the ” Recorder” or ”Protector of the Records”. The Sun was used as “The light of the World”, or of ”Day of Understandings”. Sometimes the Recorder’s soul was symbolized by the Turtle who moved slowly but surely with the protection of “the shell,” the divisions of which showed the number of angels (13) covering the actions of that soul. The Lion was the symbol of Positive power, and the Lamb or Small Lion symbolized The Child. Scriptures prophesy that “In that Day the Lion (Mother) and the Lamb (Child) shall lie down together”, showing that in this New Age there would be two manifestations, instead of only one as in a number of lives before, when HIS protection was necessary in this manner. Even in this Age, Wise Men who know the physical manifestation of the reincarnate Mother, SEE the dual manifestation, or two in one necessary for the protection of The Child since HE had to be “caught up” from this plane until sufficient help and understanding could be arranged.

A Dog was considered a Positive symbol of faithfulness, while a cat, (usually a black cat) was used to symbolize the negative aspect. A Ram and Bull were used by various peoples to symbolize The Father, therefore the calf and lamb were symbols of The Child. The cow and cowbells were used to symbolize the soul of “the negatively existent one,” or EVE-il soul. A Goat was the symbol of The Virgin Mother who was “the leader of the sheep” for HIM, and the “goat” for persecutions in protecting and serving HIS interests. The straight “Two-edged” Sword in the hand of a Saint, or some honorary statue symbolizing the soul status, sometimes was used symbolically as a Cross with a point downward to cut out evil. Wise men with “eyes to see” knew the soul being honored was that of The Virgin Mother. The curved knife or crescent was used to symbolize the negative faction and was the same as The Grim Reaper’s (crescent curved) instrument of death. When a star was shown with it, that star portrayed the soul of Lucifer, the leader of the “red” or “one-third stars of heaven pulled by the tail of the great dragon,” (D’EVE-il). A cross is a symbol of suffering In HIS Name. It is time for crosses to be laid aside and the world to be turned around the other way. Christ must be taken from the cross forever, not constantly shown on a crucifix. Especially not one with the skull and cross-bones at the bottom, the symbol of the negative faction who nail the crosses for Christ and His helpers..

A Circle was usually used to symbolize protection. The Sun is always shown as a circle of protection, while the moon is portrayed as a crescent or “the light of darkness,” the instrument of death. Clear Waters symbolized TRUTH, while the Sea, or “Great Deep” and Neptune portrayed the devil’s works. Mother Earth was Eve while Virgin Mary is shown as The Mother of Spirit, The Heavens being used as HER symbolism. Evil looking fishes, birds, scavengers, stinging insects and all manner of pestilences were used at times to symbolize the work of the negative faction, while the opposite were used to portray the work of the Positive Faction. The story of symbols is a long one. Some wise advice “I DO” wisher to pass on to their readers was never wear symbols unless you know for sure what they mean and wish to be identified as a member of a faction using such symbolism.symbolism.


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